Saturday, August 8, 2015

Ali Monologues - Day of Service - VNA Meals on Wheels....

8/6 started as a day of service in the community.
I took off work for a few hrs to be a part of the partnership between THA Afterparty Radio and VNA.

We started off arriving at the VNA in Dallas. There was music playing by GoDJ Dip etc.. We meet-n-greeted and took group photos.  
Stacked fans #AliStyle Hehe.. Its all about the placement. IJS 

Kim gave us a run down about VNA and how they support the elderly community in different ways. (Note I am highly impressed and want to be a part of this organization!). She even shared why this organization is important to her specifically. I
t's always wonderful to hear impactful stories that have shaped others lives.  We are all in this together!

After getting our assigned routes, Montanna (owner THA After partyradio) ushered us all up to get the juices flowing with our rendition of the whip & nae nae (which I don't know how to do, but what the heck - ALL IN)

Let's just say the staff at the VNA and THA Afterparty radio Hosts got it in.  I did some periscoping cuz I realized that was best for all.  
Anyway, great times.

Now we are off.. To deliver our meals
& fans! 

Turn my music on and hit the road.

I served the south Oak Cliff area and met some really nice people.

Just to see how we had an immediate impact on these individuals and families was awesome. They were all so grateful.  
I got a hugs and requests to come back and even got a cpl photos.

By the end of my route, I was heart warmed.  I had one delivery left.  I went in and met everyone and got a hug from the recipient.  Then we just started shooting the breeze and one of the other ladies asked me what do I do and then said "so what business do you want to start". 
Out of the blue..
So I said wow funny you should ask.
I told her I am an IT MGR by day and a host of other things after hours.
I shared my 30 sec elevator speech for Zoetic Essentials and talked about Hike w/ALI and Shop -n- learn excursions w/Ali and they loved it. I added my radio hosting and magazine contributor to the list and she just waved her hand at me...In a great way. Like "GIRL!!".. Y'all know that "Girl!!".  Hehe

One of the ladies, who happened to be a minister, started prophesying to me about my future and how my presence spoke to her when I walked in the house.  How she knew I was destined for great things.

She made me go get my business cards and they tested my Allure skin and hair creme and she just talked about the greatness of having good people around you etc..

She prayed for me and pulled out the blessed oil (yes, I said blessed olive oil )  to anoint my feet  and hands. Praying that anything I touch or direction I walk in will be blessed.  Amazing!

Side bar........which I did not realize was regular olive oil until I was in my late 20s and at the store with my son and saw the oil (think it was Pompeii beand or something). my church used to anoint us.  I was like... You can't eat that, it's for praying. Needless to say I can never buy that brand to eat cuz it has a distinct smell and just doesn't seem right to eat.  Hehe
Ok I'm back on track... 

We chatted a little more and she asked me to be a part of her Womens pgms to come and speak etc.... Something I definitely have wanted to start doing for some time. Just her excitement And energy for me (someone she did not know at all) was so uplifting and gave me another reason to keep pushing forward.  

I don't have an Ali blueprint anymore but I have a plan and I am willing to allow the blueprint to manifest itself through my daily interactions and expressions of love.

The Ladies even asked if I would be their regular VNA Meals ON Wheels delivery person. 
So crazy, the immediate impact we can have on one another just by being ourselves and showing love..

It was a beautiful day.
~Ali MBS®

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ali Fit MBS - HIIT Workout Full Body!

Hey friends!
 Do you need a quick workout but want to make sure its worth the time and you will see results with consistency?
the base of all my workouts and if I feel the need I can build around that workout.
So here's a quickie I threw together that focusing on full body as usual.  I like a well rounded workout that hits a number of my muscle groups while increasing my heart rate for better heart health..
Starte with a warmup on the stair master.
-11mins - Stair master
-Shoulder press -12 (find a comfortable weight that ensures proper form)
-Pushups-10 ( try full body if you can otherwise modify)
-Squats -15 (with or w/out weights and kick)
-Dead lift with weight bar -15
-Shoulder pulls low  - 12 (bent over)
-Shoulder pulls high -12 (standing up)
-Alternating plank -20
-Seated oblique twist -16 (with 10lb weight, touch side, push weight up overhead and touch opposite side)
Repeat 3 times
Last (Extra Cardio)
Treadmill HIIT
-Start with a brisk walk on 3.8 speed or higher.
-turn while walking and shuffle side ways for 1 min then switch sides for another min. (May need to decrease speed to 2.8-3.1)
-run for 1 min at 5.8-7 speed
-incline to 15 minimum (drop speed to 4.2+ and push to maintain that speed
Repeat 1 more time
Add 1 min run to the end..
Be sure to stretch!
Couple basic Yoga poses: critical to hold poses as long as possible to elongate those muscles and help the oxygen and blood circulate.
Yoga builds small and large muscles depending on intensity level.
-Child pose - 30 secs
-Cobra - 30 secs
-Downward facing dog - 30 secs
( alt cobra with downward facing dog 3 times)
-Warrior pose - 30 secs - alt ea leg(key is to sit into the pose as deep as you can while holding)
Finish with deep inhale and exhale.
Other poses can be done as well to open you up.
Give this one a try and let me know what you think. 
~AliMBS ®

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Travel Funnies...Ali Monologues - Philly 2015

Jumped on the plane the morning of 8/3/15 to head to Philly for a client meeting.
I'm real casual with a loose brown peasant top, blue jean skirt and sandals.
I'm cozy in my seat as other passengers get on board. I'm fiddling in my bag when the lady behind me reaches between the seat to tap me...'excuse me..excuse me' she says.
Me :  'yes' (with a smile) and she asks me if I'm a ballet dancer.
I immediately, go into my 'who's Ali today' mode and say 'depends who you ask'
back to the regularly scheduled commentary. Hehehe
Me: what's her name? Cuz I can be her for the day if necessary  (all in my, I can't believe you recognized me voice) y'all have no idea....
Anyway.. I digress..hehe
Ladies: (giggle)
how funny. We don't remember her name but you look like her.
Me: I may need an entourage when I travel.  Last time I was out of town people thought i was Maggie from Grey's Anatomy.
I let them know I'm not a dancer, but flattered.  I said.. Maybe I'll see if I can get some kickbacks next time...
They were real nice ladies...
And who knows they say we all have a twin..right. Maybe in my case I have at least 2. ☺
~Ali MBS®
#AliMonologues #Alithoughts #AliStyle #Alilife #AliMBS #lookalikes #havingfun #liveinthemoment #roleplay 

Jamaican spicy cabbage

Ever crave good cabbage??  OMG!!! This recipe is the bomb 1/2 Cabbage 5-6 mini sweet peppers 1 cup Carrots julienned 1 tbsp Thyme 3 chopped ...