Sunday, December 20, 2015

Body Vista! Regrow Veggies & fruits from Scraps!!

Did you know you can regrow fruits & veggies from scraps & seeds???

First, let me suggest purchasing heirloom, pesticide free veggies to regrow.. They may be a tad bit more expensive.  If you are looking for non-GMO veggies, that is the way to go.

This list was interesting to me.  Most of us eat most everything on this list or have at one point or another.  If you are health conscious this is great.
Not only are you getting good food you can trust, cuts down on expense of purchasing these items at your local farmers markets and organic based stores.  You also practice pre-planning which I believe is the one main reason it is hard for some to stick to clean eating etc...

Here are a few that are easy to grow and how you grow them.
*Lettuce/Bak choy - I am a fan of dark green leafy greens so cut the base off, put the leaves in water and sunlight for 3 to 4 days and you should start to see the roots shoot out after that go ahead and put them in gardening soil.
*Bean sprouts - Yes, any kind of bean you like.  I love adzuki and anasari, black, garbanzo etc.... Take your favorite dried beans, soak beans in water overnight then put them in a jar covered with cheese cloth so that they can breathe.  Rince beans in the morning and do this over and over daily until you see the sprouts grow and from there you can pull off the sprouts based on whatever desired length you want.
*Lemongrass- Isn't Lemongrass one of the vegetables that is always so hard to find in the store? Well buy it once and regrow yourself.  Place the base shoots in a bowl with water, place in the sunlight. After about one week you to start seeing the roots grow and then you can plant that in garden soil.
*Avocados -This one is a super food so it would be great if you could grow them yourself, right? Note- these take a little bit longer so you're going to want to prepare for this process. It takes about 6 weeks for sprouting to begin. So this one requires patience.  You take the seed and suspend the seed over water and allow half of the seed to sit in the water and as that begins to sprout then you take that and plant that into garden soil.
*Potatoes - What kind of potatoes do you like? I love a Black/purple or red potato and then the sweet potato of course. (note sweet potatoes are slightly different because they do not have eyes so to speak. )  For all potatoes with exception of Sweet potatoes, take peelings with the eyes and allow those to dry and then place those into the soil with the eyes facing up. 
(who would have thought it was that easy to grow potatoes)
*Onions/ garlic - Plant the garlic and end of onions directly in garden soil.  This goes for green onions too.  Take the bulb and replant.  Cut off stalks as they grow. Takes 1 week to start seeing shuts.
*Peppers - Take the seeds from the peppers; left those dry and then plant the seeds in garden soil. Keep them in sunlight. Peppers grow pretty easily.  I love all kinds of peppers.  I would keep hot separate from mild when planting seeds to avoid mixing.  ALTHOUGH, that would be a cool experiment... Create your own variation buy mixing the seeds in one area and see what you grow.
*Tomatoes  -  Nothing tastier than an heirloom tomato.  I eat them like apples. Take the seeds from tomatoes. let those dry and then plant them in garden soil. 
*Basil and cilantro - use a stem of the cilantro and/or basil and place it in water.Once it starts to root plant in garden soil.
There are also some fruits you can regrow.  These take more time to grow so you want to allow time and some patience.  This list includes Apple, cherries, lemons, pineapples and peaches. They do again take a lot of time to gross.  You have to nurture them and wait but they all do grow with a little patience
Hopefully you really enjoyed this list.
You can reference thses types of vegetables on lots of different lists.  Google "how to regrow food from scraps"

have fun
Happy Growing

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Ali Fit MBS - HIIT Workout (no weights or equipment needed)

35 min HIIT workout
Stretch - Yoga overhead
touch toes
quad stretch
Warm up
30 seconds - high knee raises
30 seconds - butt kicks
30 seconds - power jumping jacks
jog 1-2 minutes
Work out (2-3 sets)
7 minutes
1 minute - squad kicks
30 seconds - power jumping jacks
1 minute - reverse lunge
30 seconds - power jumping jacks
30 seconds - punches
30 seconds - power jumping jacks
30 seconds - push ups
30 seconds - power jumping jacks
30 seconds - mountain climbers
30 seconds - power jumps
30-45 second plank
30 second burpees
3 minute break
repeat set
3 minute break

1-2 minute jog
Child's pose
Downward facing dog
Warrior one

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Ali Monologues - Day of Service - VNA Meals on Wheels....

8/6 started as a day of service in the community.
I took off work for a few hrs to be a part of the partnership between THA Afterparty Radio and VNA.

We started off arriving at the VNA in Dallas. There was music playing by GoDJ Dip etc.. We meet-n-greeted and took group photos.  
Stacked fans #AliStyle Hehe.. Its all about the placement. IJS 

Kim gave us a run down about VNA and how they support the elderly community in different ways. (Note I am highly impressed and want to be a part of this organization!). She even shared why this organization is important to her specifically. I
t's always wonderful to hear impactful stories that have shaped others lives.  We are all in this together!

After getting our assigned routes, Montanna (owner THA After partyradio) ushered us all up to get the juices flowing with our rendition of the whip & nae nae (which I don't know how to do, but what the heck - ALL IN)

Let's just say the staff at the VNA and THA Afterparty radio Hosts got it in.  I did some periscoping cuz I realized that was best for all.  
Anyway, great times.

Now we are off.. To deliver our meals
& fans! 

Turn my music on and hit the road.

I served the south Oak Cliff area and met some really nice people.

Just to see how we had an immediate impact on these individuals and families was awesome. They were all so grateful.  
I got a hugs and requests to come back and even got a cpl photos.

By the end of my route, I was heart warmed.  I had one delivery left.  I went in and met everyone and got a hug from the recipient.  Then we just started shooting the breeze and one of the other ladies asked me what do I do and then said "so what business do you want to start". 
Out of the blue..
So I said wow funny you should ask.
I told her I am an IT MGR by day and a host of other things after hours.
I shared my 30 sec elevator speech for Zoetic Essentials and talked about Hike w/ALI and Shop -n- learn excursions w/Ali and they loved it. I added my radio hosting and magazine contributor to the list and she just waved her hand at me...In a great way. Like "GIRL!!".. Y'all know that "Girl!!".  Hehe

One of the ladies, who happened to be a minister, started prophesying to me about my future and how my presence spoke to her when I walked in the house.  How she knew I was destined for great things.

She made me go get my business cards and they tested my Allure skin and hair creme and she just talked about the greatness of having good people around you etc..

She prayed for me and pulled out the blessed oil (yes, I said blessed olive oil )  to anoint my feet  and hands. Praying that anything I touch or direction I walk in will be blessed.  Amazing!

Side bar........which I did not realize was regular olive oil until I was in my late 20s and at the store with my son and saw the oil (think it was Pompeii beand or something). my church used to anoint us.  I was like... You can't eat that, it's for praying. Needless to say I can never buy that brand to eat cuz it has a distinct smell and just doesn't seem right to eat.  Hehe
Ok I'm back on track... 

We chatted a little more and she asked me to be a part of her Womens pgms to come and speak etc.... Something I definitely have wanted to start doing for some time. Just her excitement And energy for me (someone she did not know at all) was so uplifting and gave me another reason to keep pushing forward.  

I don't have an Ali blueprint anymore but I have a plan and I am willing to allow the blueprint to manifest itself through my daily interactions and expressions of love.

The Ladies even asked if I would be their regular VNA Meals ON Wheels delivery person. 
So crazy, the immediate impact we can have on one another just by being ourselves and showing love..

It was a beautiful day.
~Ali MBS®

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ali Fit MBS - HIIT Workout Full Body!

Hey friends!
 Do you need a quick workout but want to make sure its worth the time and you will see results with consistency?
the base of all my workouts and if I feel the need I can build around that workout.
So here's a quickie I threw together that focusing on full body as usual.  I like a well rounded workout that hits a number of my muscle groups while increasing my heart rate for better heart health..
Starte with a warmup on the stair master.
-11mins - Stair master
-Shoulder press -12 (find a comfortable weight that ensures proper form)
-Pushups-10 ( try full body if you can otherwise modify)
-Squats -15 (with or w/out weights and kick)
-Dead lift with weight bar -15
-Shoulder pulls low  - 12 (bent over)
-Shoulder pulls high -12 (standing up)
-Alternating plank -20
-Seated oblique twist -16 (with 10lb weight, touch side, push weight up overhead and touch opposite side)
Repeat 3 times
Last (Extra Cardio)
Treadmill HIIT
-Start with a brisk walk on 3.8 speed or higher.
-turn while walking and shuffle side ways for 1 min then switch sides for another min. (May need to decrease speed to 2.8-3.1)
-run for 1 min at 5.8-7 speed
-incline to 15 minimum (drop speed to 4.2+ and push to maintain that speed
Repeat 1 more time
Add 1 min run to the end..
Be sure to stretch!
Couple basic Yoga poses: critical to hold poses as long as possible to elongate those muscles and help the oxygen and blood circulate.
Yoga builds small and large muscles depending on intensity level.
-Child pose - 30 secs
-Cobra - 30 secs
-Downward facing dog - 30 secs
( alt cobra with downward facing dog 3 times)
-Warrior pose - 30 secs - alt ea leg(key is to sit into the pose as deep as you can while holding)
Finish with deep inhale and exhale.
Other poses can be done as well to open you up.
Give this one a try and let me know what you think. 
~AliMBS ®

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Travel Funnies...Ali Monologues - Philly 2015

Jumped on the plane the morning of 8/3/15 to head to Philly for a client meeting.
I'm real casual with a loose brown peasant top, blue jean skirt and sandals.
I'm cozy in my seat as other passengers get on board. I'm fiddling in my bag when the lady behind me reaches between the seat to tap me...'excuse me..excuse me' she says.
Me :  'yes' (with a smile) and she asks me if I'm a ballet dancer.
I immediately, go into my 'who's Ali today' mode and say 'depends who you ask'
back to the regularly scheduled commentary. Hehehe
Me: what's her name? Cuz I can be her for the day if necessary  (all in my, I can't believe you recognized me voice) y'all have no idea....
Anyway.. I digress..hehe
Ladies: (giggle)
how funny. We don't remember her name but you look like her.
Me: I may need an entourage when I travel.  Last time I was out of town people thought i was Maggie from Grey's Anatomy.
I let them know I'm not a dancer, but flattered.  I said.. Maybe I'll see if I can get some kickbacks next time...
They were real nice ladies...
And who knows they say we all have a twin..right. Maybe in my case I have at least 2. ☺
~Ali MBS®
#AliMonologues #Alithoughts #AliStyle #Alilife #AliMBS #lookalikes #havingfun #liveinthemoment #roleplay 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Calluses & Dry Skin be Gone!

What is a Callus??
Well, in simple terms it is hardened skin. It is usually found on the foot but also can be found on the hand where a blister once was.
So we know they are not pretty along with infamous cracked, dry skin. 
Nothing more unsightly than walking around in sandles and your feet look and feel like the dryest desert, right?? Or what about wanting that foot rub and you sorry about the risk of cutting the massagers hands because your feet are so rough!

I know extreme right!!!! But I know I'm not that far off. Hehe ☺
How can we soothe and heal those areas and bring softness, circulation and life back?
First, I suggest a full bath in aromatic bath salts.  Bath salts soften the skin and help pull out impurities in the body.
If you can't enjoy a bath do a foot soak in warm water for at least 15-20 mins.
Second, pull out the trusty lava stone. Ie. Pumice stone and rub across rough areas while skin is still soft.  You can do this while in the bath or after.  The Lava Stone gently removes the rough dry skin and leaves you feeling soft and smooth.
Third step, after all dry skin and calluses have been gently removed apply Allure Skin & Hair Creme by Zoetic Essentials to all areas. The holistic blend of butters (incl shea & cocoa) and oils (incl coconut, apricot, black castor) and essential oils add healing and therapeutic properties.  Your skin will love you for the treatment.
Do this a couple time per week and I am sure you'll see results in no time..
And at the same time you are using holistic Zoetic Essential products and removing toxins from your body.
Sounds like a win win to me.
Give it a try

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Alis Turkey Delight - Simple Crock pot Recipes

Time is always so important to us all.
That's why I think the crock pot is one of  the best inventions ever. It teaches us to SLOW DOWN and Cook Slow....
SO.... here is another crock pot recipe for you that incorporates slow cooked Turkey with raw veggies....
Start with raw rinsed turkey drumsticks.
Use a full sized crock pot to ensure the full turkey drumstick fits and will be covered with water.
Fill the crock pot 3/4 way full with water
Add celtic salt, cinnamon and anise seeds
Cook fully on high for 4 hours
if you cook on low it may take 6 hours
(Note* you will know the turkey legs are fully cooked when you pick up the bone and the meat just falls off ) (Yum!!!)

How to Assemble a great meal with the slow cooked Turkey
2-4oz turkey
Lightly drizzle with a light sauce (home made barbecue or a red tomato sauce OR anything you want) :)
add raw chopped vegetable salad:
    hungarian peppers
    green onion
    hemp oil
add a side of roughly chopped mixed greens (arugula, kale, spinach)
Top with a sliced Apricot or any fruit (pear, apple, mango, peach, necatrine, plum etc...)
and a squeeze of fresh lime juice
This adds a natural sweet flavor to off set the vegetable medley.

*Tip - use dried fruit as another option (go for freeze dried fruits because they contain no extra sugar or oils)

Walla!!! done...
Now tell me how it tastes..

~Ali MBS®

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Ali MBS Quick HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout 2

Hey friends! I want to share another quick HIIT workout with you.
This is one that works the entire body and also gets your heart rate up quickly.
Couple tips:
*Try to get a good 25 min workout in at least 3 times weekly.
*Drink plenty of water daily and during workout to hydrate
*Make sure to stretch a little before the workout and definitely afterwards to circulate the blood and extend the muscles so they are more flexible yet strong.
3 sets minimum ( complete each set in 10 mins or less)
**note - weights are not required. should you choose weights get 10-20lbs to allow for more reps (toning), control and proper form.
Start: (add 30 sec power jumping jacks between each exercise.
*10-15 full body pushups (tips - do at least 1-2 full body before going to modified if you can.  This will strengthen the body and you can increase by 1 or 2 with each workout)
*20 - Squat Kicks (10 each leg)
*16 - Alt Plank (great with 1 -10lb weight)
*10 - Burpees ( explode on the jump)
20 - Mountain Climbers
Take a 2-3 min break and start again...
Tell me what you think...
~Ali MBS®
*remember intensity and results are based on how hard you push yourself.  So no cheating GO HARD!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Eat clean to stay lean 6/26/15 Lunch

Eat clean to stay lean and internally healthy...
It's easy....
Wild caught salmon (in USA incl processing and packaging)
-cook on grill or skillet with no oil just add crushed peppercorn and Celtic salt (if you must use oil. Use a high heat content & healthy oil like coconut oil)
organic mixed cherry tomatos &
(sprinkled with Hemp oil)
that's it!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Treasure Where You Release Your Energy....

Hey friends..
"Remember the energy we give things... is our energy..we can not get it back..
While it is important to speak out and bring awareness to things we are passionate about, remember everything does NOT deserve our attention, response or energy....choose were you give your energy....wisely "~Ali®

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Alis Eggplant Pizza

Want Pizza you wont regret eating?
Sometimes I just want pizza and tonight was no different.. I was thinking about running out to pick something up, but came back to 'but what'???
What can I eat that won't make me feel like crap later. What do I have in the fridge?  Hmmmh veggies and Ezekiel tortillas and Pomi sauce... I can make pizza
Try this recipe:
My homeade Eggplant pizza
Ezekiel sprouted tortilla,
Your choice of veggies (this is what i had on hand)
green onion,
red onion,
eggplant (baked with coconut oil and Celtic salt and peppercorn)
Tomato based sauce (pomi tomato, coconut sugar, peppercorn, Celtic salt, garlic, Serrano pepper)
& sharp raw cheddar cheese
Pre bake eggplant in oven at °375 for 15mins
Top Ezekiel tortilla with tomato based sauce and raw veggies and place in oven on rack for 10 mins
Put eggplant slices on top for another 5 mins
Add cheese and tomato's last for 5 more mins
Remove from oven, let cool and slice.
Give it a try and let me know what you think
~Ali MBS®

Green(s) with Envy.... 5/20/15 by Ali

Every Day we are bombarded with TONS of buzz about eating clean, what's healthy, what isn't, what has better benefits, what color is it and how much should you eat.

Keep in mind there is NO ONE answer that trumps another, but there are some metrics you can use to determine what is best for you, your lifestyle, eating habits, physical habits and what's in season etc...

I will come back to that last point often, because it is so important to eat based on what's in season.  Reason being, is you have a better chance of eating locally grown foods when you eat what is in season. This has a trickle affect because eating as local as possible lessens the risk of getting produce that is harvested too soon (meaning less nutrients) and eating locally gives you a bit more control over knowing where your produce comes from and how it is grown.

Now back to the Greens...
So which greens are better?  We will focus mainly on leafy greens and not all Green vegetables (ie. broccoli, cucumbers, celery) this time.
Why are greens important?  The most basic reason is they boost weight loss and are full of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

If you ask around, most people think of Kale or Spinach as top contenders with the highest nutritional value and that may be because that is what we see most often in our local grocers.  But are those really the most nutritional greens you can eat???
As you can probably guess there have been a plethora of different studies performed by different organizations with all the statistics shared so I did a lot of reading and searching and pulled some great nutrition metrics from

....and I am sure you would not guess which leafy green ranked 100 out of 100 on the nutritional value scale....
That's right, it is Watercress. Watercress is indigenous to Europe and Asia, but is also grown in the states now.
Watercress is a leafy green with a mild peppery flavor and goes great on sandwiches, salads including fruit salads or by itself as a snack.
It is know to be an anti-aging food and contains more than 4X the beta carotene as apples and is high in magneseum, folic acid, iron & calcium.  Now that is news you can use!!!

What about Chinese Cabbage (Napa Cabbage or Bok Choy)) with a score of 91.99.  Chinese cabbage is known to be high in Calcium & Iron and know to decrease the inflammation know to promote heart disease.

Chard comes in at #3 on the list!  There are different kinds of Chard and ALL are wonderful. If you get a chance try the multi colored chard.  I think you will enjoy it.  Chard scored a 89.27 on the nutritional chart, not too far behind Chinese Cabbage. Chard is great raw in salads or sauteed. Chard has 13 polyphenol antioxidants and contains an anti- inflammatory and has been classified as a possible defense against diabetes. 

Further done on the list are Spinach at #5 with a nutritional content of 86.43, Romaine Lettuce pulls in at #9 with a score of 63.99 and 
collard greens comes in at #10 with a score of 62.49.  Now Collard, Mustard and Turnip greens are known for the southern cooking flair, so be careful with preparation.  Any vegetable that is cooked over 5-10 mins looses it's nutritional value.  Best way to eat these greens and maintain the nutritional conent is to steam them.

I did not forget our Kale lovers, as I am one myself!  Kale came in at #47 with a score of 49.07.  This does not mean Kale is not a great choice, it merely shows there are a number of other choices you can explore to expand your palate, and possibly get the same, if not more nutritional punch from.

Why not give them all a try.

Remember This!
Try to eat what is in season in your region, Eat as Local as possible, Eat rich colors and remember veggies should cover the largest portion of your plate when eating.

~Ali MBS®
#Be Animately Existent


Friday, May 1, 2015

Ali's Simple (Braised) Lamb salad

Braised Lamb
4 oz of leg of boneless lamb
Pinch of Crushed peppercorn and Celtic salt
Pour 1/4 cup of Ali's tomato sauce on top (makes 32 oz)
      Box of Pomi natural tomato's
      Celtic salt
      3 chopped Garlic cloved
      Bay leaves
      Crushed peppercorn
      Coconut, raw or brown rice syrup
Wrap loosely in aluminum foil
Place in oven preheated to 330°
Cook for 15-20 mins (4 oz)
Place a bed of mixed greens( kale, spinach, arugala etc..). On plate
1 pear chopped
Place braised lamb on top and pour some of liquid stock on lambe and salad
Top with 1/4 cup Ali's salsa
         Red onion
         Serrano pepper
         Lime freshly squeezed
Add dried blueberries, flax seed and chopped coconut meat on top

Ali Fit MBS - HIIT workout 1

Todays Quick cardio/strength workout to be held at AliFit-MBS headquarters... 

Get in a short but affective HIIT style workout 3+ times each week.
This can be added to other workouts like cardio, running, spin etc...

Here we go: 
-Shaun T's Burpee shoulder press row 45 sec (w/10lb weights) 
-Barbell deadlifts, 
front squat W/front kick), 
-back lunge -15 each (w/ 25lb weight) 
-Jump rope 1 min 
-10 Full body pushups (reg, alt and tricep- different one each set and repeat) 
REPEAT (6 sets or more)  

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Let's Eat Local!!!!

Do you know where your produce comes from?  OR how long it has been in transit before it made it to your grocer and then to your table?
These are some important questions to ask...

Why buy & eat Local?
It is becoming increasingly difficult to trace produce to the growers now a days.
We do know the life cycle of non GMO'd fruits and vegetables can be defined by how long it takes to rot.  Depending on the type of fruit or vegetable we typically can tell when we have GMO or NON- GM, but that is for another topic.
What's important is knowing the basic life cycle of what you consume because this helps you determine where it came from or even how long it traveled to get to you.

  • We want FRESH food, RIGHT! and not only fresh, but fruits and vegetables that are harvested at the proper time and not before they reach maturity.  If they are harvested before they reach maturity you run the risk of missing ALL the wonderful nutrients and isn't that the whole purpose for eating healthy to begin with?
  • Get to know your local Farmers
    • Volunteer during planting and harvesting on the farms
      • learn proper cultivation
      • what pairs well with each other
      • you get to eat what you grow
    • Learn what to Grow and When to grow it
      • Find out from the locals what is in season and what grows best in your area
Where can you go to eat some Local Grown produce in the Dallas Area?
(here are a few I personally recommend)
  • Farmers Markets ( Growers only is typically what I prefer)
    • White Rock Local Market (3 locations)
      • visit - for locations and times
    • Four Seasons Market (2 locations)
      • visit - for locations and times
    • Edens Organic Garden
      • visit - for location and times
  • Local Stores around Dallas that sell Local Farmers produce
    • Cotton's Produce Market
      • 4200 Bdwy Blvd, Garland, TX
    • HerbMart 
    • Green Grocer Dallas
    • Central Market
    • WinCo Foods
    • Sprouts
    • Other local grocers ( check for signs in the produce isle.  they typically state if it is organic and grown locally)
Also when you go out to eat in Dallas check out for restaurants that buy produce from local farmers.

I hope you enjoyed these tips and try some local markets close to you.
Let me know where you go and if you'd refer them to others.

Be Animately Existent

Thursday, April 23, 2015

It's More Than Just H2O!! 4/8/15 by Ali

Why is it so important about water??
4 Simple Reasons...

  • Increases your energy - dehydration causes fatigue.  Fatigue can then lead to a lack of concentration.  The more water you consume the better your concentration and thinking.
  • Healthy Skin - water hydrates your skin and helps decrease the occurrences of blemishes and wrinkles because it flushes toxins from your system.  We all want clear, bright, healthy skin and drinking water is an easy way to attain that.
  • Weight Loss - Water increases your metabolism which allows you to burn more fat.  There are no calories in water so even more reason to drink more water....
    • ADD in some citrus like lemon, lime or orange slices for added flavor and a natural sweet and tangy.  Citrus is a great internal body cleanser as well.  Just put some pure water in a carafe or jug of some sort, add in the citrus slices and sit it in the window sill. It makes pretty art as well :)
  • We Just Need it- Water helps nutrients and oxygen travel through our body to our cells.  It helps regulate our body temperature and our kidneys NEED water.

You can't go wrong drinking water every day.  
Start with a glass first thing every morning to awaken your cells, skin, blood vessels etc...
Try to drink 1/2 your body weight in water daily and I am certain you will feel different.  You will naturally detoxify as well and that is GOLDEN My Friends!


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Importance of Sleep - 4/15/15 by Ali

Do we really need sleep?  I think we can answer that question with a resounding YES!!!!
Why though, our brains don't stop working while we sleep.  It keeps churning away and actually some studies say there a healthy among of brain activity during sleep.

Let's talk about what sleep is..
Sleep is described as time when our bodies slow down and we are in a subconscious state.
There are 2 components of sleep and those are REM and NON- REM sleep.

REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement.

Non- Rem sleep has 4 stages
  • Light Sleep - our bodies are winding down, we can easily be awakened in this state
  • True Sleep - this is when our breathing slows down and is know to be the longest phase of our sleep cycle.  This normally kicks in 20 mins after we enter light sleep.
  • Deep Sleep- when our body is functioning at its slowest.  

REM sleep occurs about 3-5 times during Non-REM sleep.  It tends to start somewhere between 70-90 minutes after falling asleep.
Most of our dreams happen in this stage.  our muscles are more awakened in this phase.  During the rest cycle our bodies are paralyzed so to speak and this is said to be natures way of keeping us from acting out our dreams.  This is the phase where sleepwalkers will walk or possibly even talk.

Those are the basics of sleep, now how does it benefit us??

Improves memory, Increase brain development which help maintain normal levels of cognitive skills like speech and innovative thinking, body repairs itself during sleep, sharpens attention, affects quality of life, helps with weight loss, lowers stress levels which decrease blood pressure, normalizes mood, spurs creativity, improves overall physical performance and curbs inflammation which potentially can cause heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis,and blood levels.
Now if those arent good enough reasons to ensure you are getting the sleep you need, then I don't know what is :)

The amount of sleep each person needs varies.  I think you gauge it based on how you feel.  You should be able to tell the difference when you oversleep versus not getting enough sleep.  If you have any sleep issues related to health consult a physician.

Be Animately Existent

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Physical Activity...You Gotta Have It!! - 4/21/15 by Ali

We get up everyday, Breath fresh air and go about our daily routine or finish tasks on our list.......
Do me a favor and check to see if physical activity is on your list.... (I'll wait) ..... .(whistling).... :)

Do you know why I am waiting... because it is important!  Yes, regular physical activity is crucial to our quality of life and here's why...

1. Weight Loss - Physical activity helps burn calories which can aid in weight loss or actively managing weigh gain.  The more you increase your heart rate the more calories you will burn.  Effective activity is important. GEt that HEART rate up HIGH!!!!

2. Improves Your Mood - Physical activity stimulates brain chemicals leaving you feeling happier and more relaxed.  Now who does not want that??
This is the way to be more effective with our "NO Negativity" challenge :)  When you are physically active and you are feeling good and possibly losing weight or maintaining a healthy body a crazy thing happens usually....your confidence levels increase and you typically feel a boost of your self esteem!!!
Now that is awesome

3. Decrease occurrence of negative health conditions - Physical activity keeps your blood flowing which decreases cardiovascular disease.  It boosts good cholesterol levels and decreases unhealthy triglycerides.  Triglycerides is a type of fat found in the blood. Our body takes any unused calories and converts them to triglycerides. Too high of a level of triglycerides increases risk for heart disease.  Other common conditions that are decreased by regular physical activity are high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression and arthritis to name a few.

4.Energy Booster - Ever struggle with not having enough energy? Well regular physical activity delivers oxygen and nutrients to our tissue to improve our cardiovascular system. This in turn improves muscle strength and endurance.  GOOD HEART, GOOD LUNGS....more ENERGY!!!

5. Who wants to sleep better? - Get some regular exercise in  and watch your sleep patterns regulate.  Note - try not to exercise too close to bedtime.  This could have an adverse effect on the body and awaken you like caffeine.

6. Spark up your SEX Life -  Physical activity boosts energy and increases endorphins and can enhance arousal for women and decrease ED (erectile dysfuntion) in men. You've got your confidence so spark it up!!

Having a hard time getting some sort of physical activity in??
Well let me assure you it is not necessary to work our for hours. Actually studies have shown working out too long can have an advers affect on your body.  Typically a good 25-30 mins is sufficient 3-4 times weekly.  Everyone is different so you can monitor your body reaction and consult a physician if you are concerned or starting a new workout.

What can you do that is easy??? (won't even need a gym membership)
  • Go for a walk- Not just a walk where you are talking the entire time... Go for a BRISK walk. Use your arms to push you and get that heart rate soaring! you should be breathing harder and find it hard to hold a conversation. Remember you can chat during your cool down and afterwards over your protein smoothie. :)
  • Jump rope - Simple but effective.  Good for arms, legs, heart rate etc.... (find an inexpensive one at a local sporting good store like Academy or retail store like Target, Walmart etc...)
  • Jumping Jacks - These have same affect as Jumping rope.  If you can't jump due to knee injuries do a modified jack with a knee lift instead.  Just as effective.
  • Push-ups - Do you want to get your heart rate up and build strength?  Do you dream of having those arms you see on tv or in magazines and wonder how do they look like that?  Well an easy way is push-ups.  Our own body weight is a terrific workout machine without needing a gym.
  • Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator into the office or store.
  • Park your car further from the entrance and take that brisk walk
  • Run/Jog- Go for a run if you are inclined to.  Make sure to push yourself at the end with a nice sprint.
  • Do Sprints - find a track or an open paved area and do 50+meter sprints at least 8 times.  Making sure to run through the end.  Sprints are an awesome way to get a good workout in and effectively work every part of your body.
  • Biking - If you have a bike, dust it off.  Pump up those tires, adjust the seat and have at it.  Try a spin class if you have a gym membership.  
  • Hiking or other outdoor activities - Speed up that hike, challenge yourself! Get that blood pumping! If you are anything like me, you love to be outdoors and in the element.  Natural air is an amazing detoxifier.  But we'll hit on that in another blog:)
  • Household chores - Spruce up those household chores. Add some squats and lunges when you are moping or sweeping.  Do some calf raises when you dust or vacuum. Do leg lifts while doing dishes or cooking dinner.  

There are so many ways to get some physical activity in... Now you just have to do it :)

Auf Geht's!!! No stop! let's do it becuase we love ourselves enough to :)

Be Animately Existent


Thursday, April 2, 2015

First Radio Interview for my all natural product line Zoetic Essentials - 4/1/15

Interview at Tha Afterparty Radio Station in Dallas, TX 4/1/15 on 
Jazz and Stuff Radio. @

Hey Friends!!! so I got a great opportunity to be a feature on a radio show called Jazz and Stuff Radio at Tha Afterparty Radio Station on 4/1/15 (NO JOKE!!)
AND boy did I have a great time!  Listening to some great Jazz music, chatting with JB (host) and Mike (technician) and owner Montanna.

Let me back track a second and say I love what Montanna has goin on with her studio.  I loved the atmosphere and enjoyed shooting the breeze while we got set up and after the show.  Beautiful people.....

Thanks to JB and Mike for showing me the ropes and making me feel at home.  We talked a little about my product line Zoetic Essentials, how I started, how I ended up in Big D (Dallas) and took a number of calls from our listeners. I had a super great time!!! and the time went by like hot cakes!!! Oh my!!  

It was such a fun show, that I was invited to co-host with JB weekly on Jazz and Stuff radio!!!!  YAY!!!! not expected.  How I ended up on this road is a whirlwind.  I will say we NEVER truly know where our paths will lead us and all I can say is take the path less traveled.... The things you will discover along the way are sometimes priceless...

So tune in weekly... JB will bring the Jazz and Ill bring the Stuff!!!☺( bout to be crack-a-lack-in!!).  

HUGE thanks to everyone who continuously supports me. Ya'll keep me pushing forward. This is a crazy blessing i didnt see coming..

We will have some prizes and giveaways for listeners, new and hot topics each week and love to have ya'll call in.

Please check out the Tha Afterparty radio station and listen to some of the other shows. There are a great group of folks there!! 
Check back often for updates for upcoming shows.
Till next week my friends I love ya'll 
MZ Ali

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Quick and Simple Lunch Packed with Vitamins!!! 4/1/15 by Ali

Want a quick lunch idea?
I through this meal together for lunch.  Let me say, I love my sweet potatoes and cherry tomatoes.
When i want a meat protein I tend to go for  wild caught Alaskan Salmon or wild caught Whiting fillets.  I'll have Mahi Tuna every once in a while or even Cod.

I love color on my plate and always want to know what nutrients I am getting with my meals.  I ask myself do I have any body ailments I want to recover from (acne, soreness, fatigue, dry skin, body cramps etc...)?
Am I short on any nutrition that day? Have I had raw greens, raw fruit, protein, grains and enough water?

This simple lunch packs a real vitamin punch and here are a few  benefits of the ingredients I used.

Cherry Tomatoes - protein, fiber and vitamin C,vitamin b6 vitamin A and contains lycopene, an antioxidant that lowers your risk of certain diseases caused by cellular damage.

Sweet potato - protein, low glycemic, 100% of your daily needs for vitamin A, as well as 37% of vitamin C, 16% of vitamin B-6, 10% of pantothenic acid, 15% of potassium and 28% of manganese. Also contains small amts of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin and folate. And a great source of beta-carotene

Alaskan Wild caught salmon - 
Omega 3 fatty acids

  • protect heart health
  • Reduce risk of sudden death from heart disease
  • Reduce risk of stroke
  • Reduce chance of heart disease in Type 2 Diabetes
  • Essential in infant brain and eye development during pregnancy and infancy
  • Improve blood lipid patterns
  • Improve blood vessel function
  • Improve symptoms of immune and inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, Chrone’s disease and some skin conditions
  • Reduce the risk of some mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and depression

High Quality Protein
Essential Amino Acids
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B
Vitamin E

  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease
  • Prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins
  • Reduces the buildup of plaque in coronary arteries

Also contains a relatively nice amount of calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus

Cranberry stilton (goat) cheese and dried organic coconut.
33 grams of fat and 40 grams of sugar per 1-cup serving- adds protein,fiber and iron.
(Note- Dried coconut has lower nutritional value than fresh so go light with this and just sprinkle it on for contrast, flavor and crunch.

and that is it!!


Jamaican spicy cabbage

Ever crave good cabbage??  OMG!!! This recipe is the bomb 1/2 Cabbage 5-6 mini sweet peppers 1 cup Carrots julienned 1 tbsp Thyme 3 chopped ...