EarthX Film Dallas 2018 - The GREEN Carpet & Gala

EarthX EarthX EarthX!!!
Screenings Competitions, Events, Animals, Fitness, Tiny Houses, Green Carpet, Galas and so much more....
2018 EarthX & EarthX Film Festival did not disappoint! An Astounding 60 films and 39 filmakers made the cut!

The Earthx Film Festival is an opportunity for those who are interested and engaged in the livelihood of the environment.  With so many films ranging from animal poaching, to experiencing natural beauty in reality or virtual reality, there is something to spark an interest in everyone who attends.  The main event of  4/19 Opening Night “The Game Changers” is about to do just that.  Director Louie Psihoyos and  producer James Wilks (former Mixed martial arts fighter) have teamed up to make an impactful and powerful film about athletes who live, train, compete, and dominate on a plant-based diet.  As an injured athlete, Wilks used his recovery time to study on regaining optimal function of his body and a speedy recovery, and the information that he shares in this film, is indeed, a game changer.

As a person who has tossed around the idea of being plant-based, but never fully committed, this film was definitely motivation to at least give it a try.  As a former track athlete, I never thought that I might be able to remain full or have sustained energy, but the focus was all wrong.  The ideas and scientific backing presented in this film, will definitely inspire you to expand your thinking and at least give it a try.  One line that stood out to me from one of the professional athletes featured in the film was “Some one asked me ‘how can you be as strong as an ox, and you don’t eat meat?’, my answer ‘Have you ever seen an ox eat meat?’”  

Definitely a game changer, if it doesn’t change the game for you, it will definitely make you want to choose healthier habits.

-The Ariel Z. Creative

Ali's 2 Cents - The Game Changers and Global Gala

Opening Night #2, Louie Psihoyos got right down to business with his new film "The Game Changers" which hit on a widely talked about subject ... Veganism.  Add Athletes to the mix and we have a super heightened conversation!

Veganism is not a new term or concept, but it is fairly new in the athletic realm and most assuredly in the realm of the male athlete. The idea of advocating for removing meat from an athlete's diet is almost unheard of.  Yep, even in 2018 when eating healthy, balanced diets. Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian ways of life are on the forefront and we still see the side eye about athlete's consuming meat, as a necessity....

Let me say I was so completely enthralled with the film.  It was right up my alley!! What a great selection for EArthX Film Festival. The shear fact it was Fact and not Fiction was a major WIN in my book too.  Two of the film's athletes, James Wilks and Kendrick Farris took some time to chat with us on the green carpet.  Not only did they talk about the injuries they endured, but also the process to recovery.  A process that surprisingly to each athlete included a change to their normal diets. We got a chance to hear athletes known for strength and endurance talk about the benefits of going to a plant based diet.  Their performance results, along with other athletes, proved there are definite positive changes and the key to all of this, the food was great, they were fulfilled with the meatless meals and they learned where protein actually comes from... Bet you can't guess?
Can you imagine changing your diet to plant based can lower your footprint! WOW ! who doesn't want to do that!
You have to check out this film...

To my surprise they shared other sexual performance benefits to going plant based.  And ultimately derailed the idea that eating meat, makes you a man.  A gross stereotype that likely impedes many from giving a plant based diet a try.
You have got to check this film out.
visit for updates on screenings

The Global Gala on 4/20/2018 was a SMASH!!! Talk about STAR STUDDED Green Carpet.
Honorees, Actors, Filmakers and other Special Guest came out in full force to support the EarthX formerly EArth Day.
The Night was overwhelming and rewarding at the same time. To see so many stars, and guests have such a dedication to the current and future state of our environment was a beacon of hope. A few stars stopped by to chat with us and among them was:
Buzz Aldrin Award Recipient, Danni Washington Honoree Recipient, Harry Hamlin, Amy Smart, Carter Oosterhouse, Captain Paul Watson, Laura Nix, Christophe Bailache, Sophie Ansel, Louie Psihoyos, James Wilks, Kendrick Farris, Sonja Morgan, Ovie Mughelli, Jeryl Prescott, Jeremy McKane, Laura Linda Bradley, Sarunas Jackson

If you did not get a chance to particpate in EarthX in Dallas 2018, mark your calendar for 2019!!
Bring the siblings, kids, whole family and friends.  There is so much to do, see and learn!!

I Am Royalty Radio will see you all back on the Green Carpet Next Year!!

Ali Carter
I Am Royalty Radio

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