Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Purgatory Red Carpet 2018

IARR RED CARPET Interviews at SIP Breast Cancer Awareness Fashion Show

bamradiowaliI AM ROYALTY RADIO RED CARPET interview at Sisters in Power Breast Cancer Awareness Fashion Show with Panelist and 8 yr Survivor April SAmuels.. #sistersinpower #breastcancer #survivors #IARR #iamroyaltyradio #wheresAli #cancerawareness #redcarpethosts #playingwitheditingthemes

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Green Book Movie Review by Ali

Not another race movie.... is it?
This is a story taken from the plagued memories of the early 1960's when race was very heightened in the US.  Where race division was not a surprise but a normality.  Where the lines were not as blurred....as they are today..
Mahershala Ali as Dr. Shirley a cultured, prestigious black piano player and Viggo Mortenson as Tony Lip, low to middle class Italian bouncer from the streets in the Bronx.  An unlikely pair who tackle the strains of race differences that.... are actually the same.

They embark on a journey, neither expected with slight role reversals from what we are used to seeing on the big screen.  The film uncovers historical factoids most of the world will either never experience or possibly hear about.  The inclusion of the infamous Green Book was introduced at such a pivotal time, in my opinion, well with all that is going on in the States.
What a way to shed light on an era that took over where slavery supposedly left off and equality was supposed to be assumed in it's stead... Right!... Oh did I mutter that... 
The Green Book was an actual guide book for blacks or anyone traveling with blacks to follow in the deep south.  What Hotels they could stay in, restaurants to eat in, city curfews etc....  It was critical to adhere to these rules or suffer the consequences.
The trip they take is an entanglement of emotions, compromise, laughter, survival, prejudices, family, humiliation, truths, lies and friendship.

I did find it interesting how they chose to interject sexuality into the film.. Watch and share your thoughts?

Anyway... The film was a myriad of emotions for me as a black person sitting in a mixed theater, wondering what others take was, what lit a fire or didn't... and would any deep discussions, enlightenment and positive change follow.  I hope so.

One of my favorite quotes - "It Takes courage to change peoples hearts.."

Official Release date 11/16/2018...
Rating: I Give it an Ali - BAM
Go check it out!!

BAM - Great! Go see it
HUMDRUM - Ehhh...
RUBBISH - well it's Rubbish

Jamaican spicy cabbage

Ever crave good cabbage??  OMG!!! This recipe is the bomb 1/2 Cabbage 5-6 mini sweet peppers 1 cup Carrots julienned 1 tbsp Thyme 3 chopped ...