Thursday, June 2, 2016

Winning doesnt always mean crossing the line first...

Ali Random Thoughts:
I noticed I have had to wait a day to respond to some texts and emails lately... (personal & work)
My initial response has been a bit of agitation on a few things and that is not like me...
I know I am a bit off balance personally and of late.
I responded to a few things today with absolutely no angst... Same msgs as before..only change was in me...
*sometimes I have to take a moment when I notice my tone, my energy, my agitation level....My Balance is off and get back on track...
*I used to be quick to belt out anything that I wanted with little regard as long as I felt I was being true to myself....
And some friends would laugh and think that was .... Ali being Ali....
But is that the Ali I wanted to be???
Was I Actually getting what I wanted??
Hmmm... I learned (for me) this was not displaying my true strength nor helping me develop my passion/purpose so I started paying more attention and being more conscious say about 7ish yrs ago... 
At first I was reflecting on everything I did and said... What my thought process was.. Why did I feel this way.
Why was my initial response what it was?
What inside me was triggering this response?
Was I OK with it? Or not?
My goal was to get to a point where I did not have to think about my reaction or wonder later what I said or how I said it... I wanted to live more and reflect less... But it took time to deal with inner things that triggered those reactions in me.
I can say now I more easily process things not to dismiss them, but they truly just roll off my back without me categorizing and rationalizing etc...
It has taken a long time and I still have some things that I clearly have not completely dealt with because the presence of the scenario continues to pop up in my life.
But in this process I have come to a place where I believe PAUSE is beneficial and a quick response is not always the best....
Winning doesn't always mean crossing the line first...
Ali Thoughts
A2C (Ali's 2¢)

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