Monday, May 13, 2019

Best things to do for Holidays...

If we didn't have holidays to remind us of a national day... How often would we say...
Thank you
I love you
You are amazing
You are beautiful
You are kind
You are a great Dad/Father
You are a great Mom/Mother
Shout out to all the Moms or Dads
You are an exceptional grandparent
You are appreciated
You are a ⭐teacher
Heres a gift for you
Here are some flowers
I got you a watch or game tickets
Let me take you to dinner for being great
Can I help you
Do we wait for national holidays to remember one another or do we do it daily anyway???
Why not try these for the holiday and see how much more fun you have.

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Jamaican spicy cabbage

Ever crave good cabbage??  OMG!!! This recipe is the bomb 1/2 Cabbage 5-6 mini sweet peppers 1 cup Carrots julienned 1 tbsp Thyme 3 chopped ...