I want the kind of love that'll be going Strong in 30 years..like day ONE!
The kind that looks at me in amazement..
The kind I don't have to wonder about..
The kind that protects my heart..
The kind that laughs with and at me..
The kind that cries with me..
The kind that prays with me..
The kind that comforts me..
The kind that builds with me..
The kind that trusts me..
The kind that honors me..
The kind that needs me..
The kind that teaches..
The kind that inspires me..
The kind that supports..

The kind that respects me..
The kind that is intentful..
The kind that knows what I am thinking..and let's me think anyway..
The kind that can answer for me..and knows when to..
The kind that pushes me..
The kind that will hold me..
The kind that adores me..
The kind that understands me..
The kind that speaks to me silently..
The kind that appreciates me..
The kind that wants to explore it ALL with me..
The kind that smiles at me Each and Every Day.....
Not the kind of love that never disagrees or hurts...
Not the kind of love that judges..
Not the kind of love that is malicious..
But don't get me wrong... LOVE can have physical elements..
It can be sparked by touch or whispers
It can be embedded in a soft Kiss
It can be the look in ones eyes
or mutual exploration of the body..key word Mutual.
I'm talking about Love... intangible LOVE...
The Love that can not be easily measured by things or opinions....
The kind of love felt but not always seen.
The kind of love that is unmistakable and unwavering....
this will be a growing blog.... I may add something new often....
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