Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Intuition..can be a Curse

Inside Ali:

I have been told I am very intuitive and I believe I am...sometimes I can feel my third eye watching everything....
Intuition has been good and bad. Sometimes helps because I see or understand before hand so I am prepared and the flip....

It has gotten me to a place where I rely on me rather than waiting to hear and understand from others.
Intuition mixed with my personality which is always moving, exploring, excited, accelerates impatience or the appearance of impatience.

Knowing this now, I try to practice patience by taking the time to ask even if I already think I know. I now look forward to the feeling, the emotion, the expression that is shared with me. It teaches me to be vulnerable, it teaches me patience. and Let me tell you how hard this can be at times.

It is like having to use the restroom really bad, standing at the stall, but not going in because I just can't and there is no other bathroom I can get to. (like a bad dream... I know)

Yoga, meditation and purpose are the things that are helping me through this journey.. Most of which I have to travel alone.

I get lessons daily... whether direct or indirect and have to seclude my mind (ie. my mouth) and be in that space without movement.

Some may see it as a missed opportunity...as I still do sometimes... But I am learning... The Real Opportunity is gained and coming.....

#A2C #Aliisgrowing #thecontinuanceofsomethingnew

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