Tuesday, August 8, 2017

I can do it by myself = Lonely

This is gonna be a short blog..... but necessary to say....

Look... I know we are told and believe we should  just do things on our own if we don't have support or help, but I'm not a fan..I'm starting to believe the answer is to find the right support. 

Once we go down this rabbit hole of self preservation, self realization, self sustaining... we forget we actually need one another.. trust me get over this.. 

I can do it by myself = lonely..

Listen.. I know this isn't always the case, but if we get used to looking within to accomplish everything,  we lose trust.. trust in people who never gave us a reason not to trust.

We then eliminate them from recieving their blessing.. what if, they are meant to be in our life and we push them away because we think it's easier to do it ourselves...

This is a big one for me. I don't share a lot of my past. But I was known to quit when  it was too much of a hassle. I can do it myself I would say.. And lots of times I could.. but the detriment along the way...I caused myself.. the detriment I see now and couldn't aee then...

LISTEN...training myself to not count on anyone, to trust only my abilities left me not only with trust issues.. but lots more work and probably fewer accomplishments.. 

Have we ever get considered the possibility, the reason road blocks come is so we have to figure out how to work with others....??

No fussing and complaining till we get our way but truly learning to commune, to share,  to compromise.. but never exclude...
Whether the exclusion is internal or external.

I imagine, there is nothing more magnificent then having people in your life to build with, share with, learn with, grow with...

So.. take a minute... and consider this..a change in who we allow to support rather than a change to allow the support..( read that slowly)😉

Be Blessed..

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